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ABQDog Ad Rates

We do not accept advertising for any business associated with selling dogs
animals are not property!


(subtract 10% for six-month agreement, 15% for year-long agreement)

during the pandemic, all ads are 70% off

Your logo on the side bar of all our pages
Our button ad gives you high visibility on every page of the site. It includes your logo, a link to your website, and an additional line for promotions, events, etc., which can be changed monthly [size is 110 x approximately 150px]
$27    $8

Your logo on the side bar of your page only
our button page ad gives you high visibility on the page where you're listed. It includes your logo, a link to your website, and one additional line for promotions, events, etc., which can be changed monthly [size is 110 x approximately 150px]
$20    $6

Your logo on the top of your page
the top-of-your-page ad includes your logo, a link to your website, address/phone at the top of the page where you're listed [size is approximately 110 x 110px]
$17      $5

Your logo next to your listing
our logo-ad includes your logo, a link to your website, address, phone, e-mail/hours [size is approximately 110 x 70px]
$12      $4

super combo
any three of the above
15% off

mini combo
any two of the above
10% off

Please e-mail us to place your ad.

you can now pay online through our payment page